Not to change the subject, or anything, but today was commute #2 to work (230km round trip) on Sophie. +3c this am, so a bit chilly-willy; +25c on the way home, so simply mahvellous.
Gosh, I love that bike. Smooth as silk up to about 5500rpm, which with my gearing equates to about 110kph. That's about fast enough to stay under the radar of the federales, who are appearing with regular monotony with their 'ticket-making' guns.
And she gets 54-ish mp(imperial)g doing it!
Even had a squidlet (Honda 954 Fireblade) and his honey eyeing Sophie up at dinner tonight. When I told the honey she would be more comfortable on the back of my seat she nodded knowingly. Oh to be 30 years younger...and good looking.....and 40lbs lighter....with no grey hair.....and single.