my project today came our pretty #$%*in' spiffy.
I messed up my back at work yesterday, so I had some time for quiet contemplation today.
I decided to try bleach painting on a couple hoodies I have.
Pinned hoodie on a piece of cardboard and started drawing vertebra:
Starting from the top at T1 and going down, did the ribs and scapulae...
then painted with bleach, got "as light as it's going to get" and neutralized the bleach with some hydrogen peroxide water, rinsed with cold water, washed and dried. The finished result:
This is my first attempt so I did it on a really old hoodie. It's not 'perfect' but I'm wearing it, not teaching anatomy from it, so it's fine for me.
Did the front, too, but haven't gotten pics of it.