I too hate cats with a guttural rage that comes from deep within.
It stems from my parents owning cats from the time I was born to the time I was 18 and moved out.
they knew I had allergies, we went to a doctor and I had #$%*-loads of allergy tests done. hundreds of needles poked into my back and arms.
I looked back on it after I moved out and I think my mom lied to me about being allergic to dogs. I have absolutely no allergy to them and she's deathly afraid of them for no reason... even teacup puppies.
my allergy is like this-
6AM so much post nasal drip in my throat, that I wake up every morning and have something I thought was normal called "my morning stomach ache" (cool emo band name) and vomiting atleast twice a week.
until 2pm my eyes itch and water excessively, my ears and throat itch to the point of madness. (it wears off because I'm outside the house) 5pm- after school eyes ears throat nose WTF!!!?? and this goes on till I go to sleep.
Here's The Kicker.
To remedy this situation all my mom would have to do is GET RID OF THOSE #$%*ING CATS! but no, it was bi-weekly sets of allergy shots for 4 years. and all that did was lessen the symptoms to a tolerable level.
the other thing I'm allergic to is every plant item known to man. not pollen, the plant its self.
bananas, nuts, greens...
anything that comes from the earth makes my throat itch to eat it, and my skin itch to touch it.
also cats won't sit still, or as I call it "lay and be #$%*ING cute" as I hug the life out of them for trying to get away.
morning rant end