First, I have to point out that I'm involved in my chuch (Methodist, for those that care) and even read scripture from the pulpit at the Good Friday service.
Having said that, I would now like to stir up trouble, so...
Before Christ, hell - before any "named" gods, ancient peoples worshiped the Sun. It brought light and warmth, and ended the cold, dark night. With me so far?
Now, we just celebrated the biggest day in the Christian year - when people worship the son (hmm, sounds like
sun) by having a
sunrise service, and they call the whole thing
EASTer. Doesn't the sun rise in the East?!? Wait, is this a Christian or Pagan thing? I'm so confused!!!

What about the traditional Easter meal - ham. Is that kind of saying "in your FACE, Jews! We're Christians now, and we get PORK!"?

So, the question is,
do I have too much time on my hands?