you can smoke down here
Smoking in bars and incandescent light bulbs down in the Lone Star. I could move down there, but I'd miss the winters. I don't smoke anymore, but the anti-smoking thing has me insane. People wanna smoke let 'em smoke. People want to open an establishment that permits smoking, let 'em.
The funny thing up here in NYS is that smokes are sold tax free on Indian reservations. I think that puts them in the range of $4.50/pack, while they are about $12/pack in NYC. Anyone detect a major smuggling opportunity? Anyhoosie, the last time the Governor got serious about enforcing taxes on the reservations, the Native American leaders said, "O.K., but that means we'll have to charge tolls on all the highways that run through our reservations (which would shut the major ones right down)." So, thinks the governer, "I'll shut up."