I went to DC on my honeymoon. Yeah I know. My wife and I are both huge nerds. I'm a museum studies student and she is getting a Ph.D in English Lit, so going to a place that has a crapload of free museums sounded pretty nice. The American History Museum was closed for renovations when we were there, but I hear it's open now. They had a best of the best of the American History museum exhibit in the Air and Space museum when we were there and it was one of the coolest things I've ever seen. The first three things were the original Kermit the Frog, the hat Lincoln was wearing the night he was shot, and Edison's first lightbulb. Also displayed was Gershwin's handwritten sheet music to Porgy and Bess, Ali's boxing gloves, Washington's military uniform, Bruce Willis' tanktop from Die Hard, R2D2 and C3PO, the Polio Vaccine, and on and on. My wife has a conference in DC over Easter, and I think I am going to tag along and go to the museums we didn't get to go to.