Quiet, my online time is limited. I am being closely monitored. I have been taken captive by a sleeper cell located in Wisconsin and only have access by way of my beanie, a paperclip I had in the hem of my FoTLs and a fiber optic cables I was able to dig down to and splice into with a pair of toenial clippers.
I may die trying to get this info to you, but if I don't, who will?
WARNING!!!! Beware the Chinese Mice. They do not want your cheese, the want your country. Once the have you dependent on running your bikes on mouse power (mice power?), any way, rodent power, they will effectively control your future. They have enlisted the help of local rodents, from chipmunks to squirrels by telling them about the M.W.D.s (Massive Warehouses of Dates)
Disregard this at your own peril!
You have been war... I gotta go, my jailer is coming and I can't be caught here