Havok, I'm crazy jealous. That's what I need to do, cruise around with friends and just go sit on the ground at the Boulevard. I LOVE when they play the movies after greaserama. Last year they played The Worlds Fastest Indian and Two-Lane Blacktop and I don't even remember what the one was that I missed, but I remember being really mad. hhahaha. Long day, wearing a skirt, half burned from the sun, half tired from being in the heat all day, the sun goes down, the hot rods fire up (most of the time literally) and bikers all stay and chill.
My uncle was the cool dude that had a night life.
When my ma stuck me with him, I did, what he did.
So, if he had a date, I was there. In retrospect, I imagine chicks dug that sh1t. He inspired much of my love for cheesey horror flicks, deconstructive art, and ziggy stardust and the spiders from mars.