this is from the peta page but i thiught it would be better here
i had an idea for marketing human cheese (not fromunda cheese) like a real exlusive product... i then started wondering what race would produce the most milk... i kinda thought it would be the germans or black women... then i wondered if u could flavor the cheese by whatu feed the women..... the market is huge.... i just remembered this isnt the south side bar oh well
that's a uniquely grotesque idea. 10 points to the sicko in Pittsburgh. 
kit really? about the human cheese? if u remove yourself from the situation and think about it we drink milk from some weird animals and and eat the rest of them and find it taboo to drink the milk from our own telling u theres a market out there for it
We also wear leather and eat meat, but it's taboo (for whatever reason) to kill people, flay their skins for lamp shades, and eat their tasty, tasty, pork-like flesh.
Rules are made to be broken, man.
My thought on the cheese thing: While women might produce more milk in general, they'd be pretty iffy on the leather/meat side of things. I think you need to keep a barn full of geldings on hormone therapy. Beefies with full on, lactating #$%* tits. Greater BMI means more surface area for better leather goods and better marbling of the meat.
Further, that is a rodeo I'd pay to see.