Why do people use that word in a derogatory way? I think a #$%* is beautiful thing. And to use it to describe an ass like Ed is an insult to the word.
Did I? Ya know, there is more than one meaning and incarnation to that word. Ed may be an ass but he also incites people to stand up for their beliefs, speak out and be proactive in what's going on around them, even if it's just arguing politics or getting people's heads out of their asses because they "think" they know what a word means. He is a nasty #$%* of a person to people on here and can be an #$%* to the nth degree. Eventually, people speak up and we all get lectured on being better citizens, to stop calling people communists or socialists or using "gay" in a dark way, explanations of what those words actually mean, ...whatever. He may be an misinformed pisser but everyone else on here gets a good education because of what he starts. I like him in the way you can't look away at a bloody wreck. Because without #$%*s like him in the world, people get quietly complacent. That being said, I didn't even need to read his posts (I've had him ignored for a looooong time now) to know that people spoke up against him in good ways, in responsible citizens of the earth ways, no matter what side of the political spectrum they are on. Ed has his bad sides and can get a good stink going on but he serves many good purposes too. Yup, he's a #$%*... in the old world, european sense of the word.

gonna have a bike day... putting Kit's 350 back together today. New cables, cleaned carbs back in, filters, maybe change the oil, running wiring off the new bars to the bucket (maybe internal, maybe notching the pods) I would like to get it running again this weekend but we'll see. It's rainy and depressing outside today and it makes us lazy.