HA I just got a FEDEX tracking number
54t7y9034??%&$#857ygf08r7yit's coming...

look at these comments from youtube-------
TheIndustrialCafe (1 week ago)
what's with the bleeped out words? It's youtube not the Disney channel.
crv26 (6 days ago)
@TheIndustrialCafe i have seen this clip on TV, so maybe it is their version? who knows
TheIndustrialCafe (4 days ago)
oh yeah, that makes sense.
I was tired when I watched it.
suckseggs (6 days ago)
your a #$%*ing idiot, this was used on tv, is used in many motocross school, motocycle classes, and may have been a home video that they show to kids
TheIndustrialCafe (4 days ago)
you're very articulate and understanding. your dad should have pulled out.
crv26 (3 days ago)
suckseggs (1 day ago)
real brave for a douche bag like you to talk #$%* online huh? time to mature, get a girl, make some babies and stop watching youtube
TheIndustrialCafe (2 hours ago)
You can't tell me what to do...
#$%*in loser.