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St. Paul Woods Oakton St. & Caldwell Ave. WBC to picket your tacky 30th annual greater Chicago jewish festival. Your traditions mean nothing to God! Lu 20:46 Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk in long robes, and love greetings in the markets, and the highest seats in the synagogues, and the chief rooms at feasts; 47 Which devour widows? houses, and for a shew make long prayers: the same shall receive greater damnation. You think that your festivals are a substitution for simple obedience. We are at the end of all times and you are having filthy prideful festivals? You are the very picture of the days of Noah and Lot. (Luke 17:26-28) Watch closely, the corner stone that you rejected is at the door. The Lord has set aside a blessed number (144,000 to be exact) of you Jews that will mourn for the sin and the crime of killing your Saviour. We look for those good figs and pray for them to come out from amoungst these nasty, vile, rotten figs.
Sweet, bubbly, Buddha - Say it ain't so!!!
HAHAHAHAHA thats funny #$%* right there .... i wanna be one of the people you see on the net holding a witty sign next to the hatefull sign i've already got a few ideas
or... I love being around beautiful #$%*s! ~Westboro church.
i'm getting exited ...i've been hit with a water balloon filled with piss ... it's an experience you never ever forget or live down and since i've got a few days .... it'll be old really smelly piss .. wish i had some amoxicillin (sp?)
74 till I have 100