ahahaha GIRLYMAN!! I had a Saint Bernard....and a Newfoundland.. those two can drop a BIG handful heck, my Great Dane/Redbone mix could pincha 1lb loaf easy I always wondered how, if I fed them a 25lb bag of food, I ended up cleaning up 40lbs of dogdoo
Now I am going to start posting pics. My dog can lay some cable. Pics soon.
Well, if you do, Anti-Vowel Man, make sure to include something for scale. We don't want any of those big fish pics where you hold it out at arm's length in front of the camera.
I had a Lab who didn't so much excel in quantity as in frequency. This is the algorithm I developed to predict the number of his dumps when taking him for a walk:
Where x=number of poos, y=number of poo bags
I could take him around the block, and he'd poop five 5 times if I had 4 bags. He was only 75 pounds. Ever try to reuse a full poo bag? It was amazingly annoying, but a better dog there ne'er was.