Hey guys, after 3 years of sitting in storage i managed to get her back into shape for the DGR this year.
all the old quirks from yesteryear are all back, like they were going to disappear, right?!

i know my carbs are 100% spot on, i am very pedantic about things like that, rebuilt, stock jets and needle position and synchronized. i am running a 4-1 and custom filter with correct flow etc. The filter is a custom design so before you guys ask about flow etc, the bike still bellows black smoke out even without the filter installed
Anyway, i remember dressing the points before the bike stood, so i assumed that they were still fine.... On Friday, i decided to do static timing, the 1-4 was a little advanced and the 2-3 a little more so...no idea how they came to be so far out. so i adjusted and set to "F" on both and took the bike for a ride on brand new plugs. The intention was to stop and check them after the point where i always experience the burble and bucking of the bike, probably just off idle and about 1/8 throttle, everywhere else she hauls ass. i rode 1km, and pulled the plugs and they were black and sooty as ever, all 4

even worse than before. i decided to still go for a bit of a ride but when i was about 20km from home, the bike would cut out every time i came to a stop, while bellowing black smoke out the exhaust.
As soon as i arrived home, i decided to advance the timing again, probably 3mm advanced from the "F". she idled erratically but absolutely no smoke when rev'd a little where before she would puff black smoke out the exhaust. i decided to gap the points; until i saw major pitting. Way worse than i found them when i first dressed them. I am very particular with certain things and i was sure to have done them properly the first time, say 1000km before i parked it. i dressed them again and i can barely make the "F" timing mark on 2-3, so they have to be replaced.
I am ordering a complete points plate with points and condenser from DSS. My question is, could the ignition system have been the culprit from my rich condition since the beginning??