Thread hijack here with a theoretical question (primarily for TT).
With a fully charged new battery and assuming all is well in the alternator, v reg, wiring departments, how long would it take to discharge the battery while the engine is at idle speed only and with a couple of engine re-starts thrown in as well ?
I get about 10 minutes of idling time before things go south. Trying to establish if I have a charging problem or not.
Need a "balance sheet" comparing outgo (Discharge) with Input (charging).
Do you know the total load you bike places on the electrical system? Stock bike drains at a rate of about 10 Amps. This is about the same for a 750 or a 550.
The alternator is capable of about 150 Watts for a 550 or 210 watts for a 750. Assume the desire is to keep the system at about 12.6V and you get charging systems that peak at 12A for a 550 and 14A for 750. Leaving charge for the battery available at 2 Amps and 4 Amps for each example in a cruise situation.
Both charging systems make about 1/3 of peak power at standard idle speed. That would be 4 amps for the 550 and 4.6 Amps for the 750.
For both bike the battery will deplete at about a 6 amp rate during idle.
The battery is the buffer for the electrical system. The 550's stock battery is 12AH rated vs. the 750 14AH rated. The rating system isn't exactly straightforward, though. But an approximation is that you can 12 amps or 14 amps out of each battery for one hour each before declaring it depleted. (its actually less than that as the spec is for a load adjusted for a 10 hour depletion rate that takes it to 10V. Then they do math to equate an amp hour rate.)
Anyway, at idle, a 6 amp draw means something akin to 2 hours for the 550 and a bit longer for the 750 only idling.
These are all approximations, though. As the book numbers are stated for diagnostic and replacement purposes. Due to manufacturing tolerances, some charging systems can actually make a bit more than the failure threshold numbers printed in manuals. None should make less.
If you have modified the bike's load parameters, the regulator parameters, or the battery parameters. You have to know what the magnitude of change to each in order to make a corrected "balance sheet" or electrical budget for the changes you've made.
Further, few actually idle to battery depletion. Normal operation mixes idling with cruise. Now you need to know the percentage of time spent in each mode to know depletion rate. Cruise puts 2 to 4 amps into the battery . Idle takes 6A out of the battery. So, you need to be in cruise about 3 times longer than idle in a periodic rate for the smaller bikes.
Any of this help?