calj737 - Bingo!
It's a 76 CB550. The Coils are original, the ignition is a Dyna S, the Batter is antigravity 12v, and it's kick only.
I'll put up some pictures later tonight, but the wiring goes like this:
Batter-->main fuse-- (solid Reg Rectifer)-->m unit. In the M unit, there is a wire running out of the AUX, that splits in 2. Wire one splits again, and goes to the R/R switch and some other combo of wires); Wire 2 splits between the power for the Dyna S and the coils.
There is continuity (tested with a light) running to the coils and the ignition. I static tested the timing (it was dynamically tested about a year ago), and the light went out at the F mark for the appropriate coil.
It was getting spark a couple of weeks ago, but nothing recently.