With coffee filters are you planning on changing them everytime you take your bike out to the local cafe for a cuppa Joe?
Seriously, sounds like a very bad idea. You must like considering rebuilding your bike's motor more often.
Oiled unifilter makes them run rich, are you going to oil your filters? Part of what makes a filter work is the pleats providing additional surface area.
Price some new carb rubbers from South Sound Honda in Olympia Washington. A bit of silicone spray or rubber lube will make them slip on and off very easy, too easy sometimes. IT will be some of the best $40-45 you have spent on the bike.
The airbox on a 550 can remain in place, just fiddly getting the airbox boots back on but doable and the more you do it the easier it gets as you learn tricks to do the job.
South Sound Honda ships economically too. Price them out, you will like their discounts and you an pickup any other parts you might want to refresh/renew to spread the shipping charges (reasonable charges) over many things.
Stock motors and pods are really a bad combo, lots of examples of this on the forum, modified motors with performance mods can tune the pods to perform well when you are breathing beyond what a stock filter assembly can provide. Then you have more options than PODs and not all pods are equal. Cheap Emgo pods should be avoided. Go with a brand proven to work. Ask calj737, he is a respected member and can confirm a modified motor can do a good set of pods fairly easily...stock motor I do not think he will recommend you attempt to run pods.