Lots of prep work this weekend. Changed the pickling solution in the plating tank and started plating operations. Once this tank goes on the work bench it doesn't come off till the bike rolls out the door. I try and plate as much as possible in a weekend, going through all the part bags and taking out the parts that need plated, plating them, and then returning them to the bag. This way when I get rolling assembling stuff the project doesn't get bogged down because a single part isn't plated. Still though, there is always something I miss, and then there is a whole motor bolts operation, so the plating tank stays set up and ready to go.
Some plated parts. Check out the corrosion on the middle rod. There is some corrosion there but now with a fresh Zinc plate it should last for at least another 40 plus years. It is good to plate even the parts you don't see.
Powder Coat came back. It is Mirror Black, a Gloss finish. I am on the Gloss Finish side of the fence versus Satin for Black frames. In fact I had to get up from the computer and walk out to the garage to get a fresh beer a few minutes ago. Whilst there, (Don't the UK Folks have some cool lingo) I checked out the 1980 CB750F that is bone stock and that stock frame sure looks Gloss to me.
Triple clamps went on with new Tapered Steering Head Bearings. The Honda's seem to have varying head bearing dimensions. The All Balls Kit tells you to measure the existing ball bearing dimension to choose a spacer for the lower bearing. Well, that's great if you didn't just rip everything out and send the frame to powder-coat. I just measure the distance with the upper clamp and spanner nut and come up with a dimension. This is just like the 750F I did and it needed no spacer.
If you don't have a cheap Harbor Freight Press to do basic press work check one out. Pressing bushings in like this along with swing arm bushings and other stuff is soooo much easier.
Ordered some Honda Fork Caps and got the forks wrapped up. I am starting to loose faith in David Silver spares. The Fork Caps that don't fit is one thing that I can understand, stuff happens. But, the extremely long time you have to wait for anything to get shipped to you is getting old.
Rear Brake is ready to go with new shoes and polish. The reproduction shoes required some small mods to fit but should be fine.
Hopefully, next week there will be a rolling chassis. I am waiting on swing-arm dust seals from David Silver Spares, go figure, right? Thanks For Following My Resto.