i'm a little slow at it but what i did was was the thumb comp chk and it was good, all four felt the same. then instead of just compressed air i screwed in the leak down tester and on each tdc i added air until it was around 40 psi just to see the differences. it was the first time (2nd ever to date) that the crankshaft was lined up w/T enough that it didn't break over tdc and push the piston down, so the 40 was good enough to see that it was comp across the 4 w/all 4 right around 2psi lower, #2 or 1 was maybe 3psi,that's the difference.
and to my common sense the valve timing has got to be close enough to call it "on" (with the T mark lining up with CS and the pistons holding by themselves adding 40lbs to each hole) without having to take the valve cover off to chk the cam gear marks, correct me if it's not good enough. the only way V timing could get of is if the chain is stretched beyond specs or if it jumped a tooth which would be pretty obvious?
the tank is non rusty at all. stock clean as new. one thing i did was a few years ago was i used a cut bucket handle to use as the tank filter, and i wrapped a garlic bag around it after a scientific test that it was fuel compatible passed. i looked in and it looks ok. i didn't pull it off though.
the point timing is spot on except the 2/3 t-light wiggles slightly, i've never used special nut to turn over, never trusted that. the advance isn't double spring'd. one thing i've done different lately is just use #3 and 4 wires to strobe light check, that could be an issue throwing everything off, and consistent with my luck lately.
the next step, after studying pewe's points/advance cures (forever checking the adv rpm change they all have been nearly identical of the beginning of adv movement to full adv, and they've never been smooth, once it starts it's goes to the stops, pegs in between the ll.,) i still haven't even checked to point contacts for major pitting on account of the key left on so many times, ill try to do a static test (carbs are still off) i'm either going to check the t chain tension bolt. or take the head off and put a gasket and orings.
gas quality is fresh 1 fill a month. the gasoline were getting these days are fking us big time, it could be constantly plugging the jets, we either got to file a class action lawsuit against the opec or corn farmers because of the destruction of our tools when they're saying it's safe to use. and if there's product of conditioner like stabil to off set the clock starting of erosion then they could put that in when mixing the gas/corn. every one of my chain saws within 2 months is straight screwed in need of a carb overhaul, and if i can buy a quart of straight gas on the shelf of lowes then why can't i buy it at the pumps? sure the station owners are getting rich(er) by not carrying the straight gas. but to imply all is good, when it's not is bs. this last set of carbs i took off there was greenish powder residue in every bowl that resembled a copper corrosion. i couldnt put my finger on that one at all, that was the set that ran like a striped ape. the wheat is in the boot stage just before heading, some already half out with healthy full heads, not a sign of disease nor insect attacks and 20 degree nights just happens to show up with a plan to stay. dangit.