Can you buy Naval Jelly, a Phosphoric Acid paste?
Then it is matter of finding an alcohol or chemical to thin it and change the Naval Jelly into a liquid rather than a paste.
Denatured Alcohol might do it (Methanol). Acetone would likely render it too liquid and it eats paint like no tomorrow too.
If it were light rust I would be tempted to give it a quick acid wash.
Oxalic Acid works too, wood bleach. It is faster than Evaporust which needs to be warm to work well.
Citric Acid crystals are very slow but very safe to deal with...
Muriatic acid, brick acid, works but is is aggressive and it eats rust and metal readily and most of the acids will attack the pot metal in a petcock. Muriatic acid very aggressively.
If it is merely surface rust and no scale you could run it and just keep the tank filled with pure gas with a stabilizer if you don't use the bike a lot.
VInegar works...just shake frequently and maybe toss a heavy rag in to serve to wash the tank insides a bit so any film that is built up will come off without emptying and rinsing the tank. FLUSH the vinegar out with a lot of water and follow with an acetone wash or a denatured alcohol wash. Acetone if you intend to repaint the tank, denatured alcohol will damage lacquer paint but not most others that are typically used if you rinse paint off with water. Rinse it twice and then dry the tank with warm air from a hair dryer for a couple hours to make it bone dry.
Since you can't get Prep N Etch, then several ounces of 2 stroke oil coating the tank will stop any rust and be gas friendly with some smoke...
Keep your tank full and don't use ethanol fuel, especially if you aren't going to be running the tank a get by until you can get to a no ethanol station. The ethanol and water suspension will settle in the bottom of the tank rotting the seam of the tank even before it does a full phase separation.
Does the Apple Cider vinegar have greater acid concentration? It is generally much more expensive than white vinegar; here at least that is very true...