What fascinates me, is how topics in this forum arrive, stay for a while and fade away in waves. Right now we seem to be riding the reg/rec wave. I wonder when we will see the float height topic re-emerge or the zinc topic. General practioners are familiar with this phenomenon. Whenever there's a TV-program on some disease, the next day waitingrooms are full with people that are sure they've got the disease.
Is this a bad thing?
Not necessarily, but... the difference in numbers of people that have problems in this field (or
think they have problems)
here in this forum and elsewhere (Europe), is shocking, I can tell you. After all, there
is something like delusion of reference... For the rest, Beemer, I've given my comments on riding the bike the way it was ment, silly things like gadget running lights and the headlight always on arrangement (before the bike even is started!) etc. more than often.
BTW, for the purists: there's a guy in Germany that you can send your stock regulator to and he replaces the old reg by a modern one, using the old casing.