Actually men, I believe that the product is quite good. The problem is that the seller, Monty, who is also the designer/manufacturer, has no people skills, so he tends to get the #$%*s when people demand that he "prove" to them that his X pipes actually work.
I read a similar thread on another bike forum (The GS Resources) where some "tool" took it upon himself to demand that Monty Campbell explain why "he" should buy one, but instead Monty explained why "he" was a dickhead. Sean Condon has just bought one for his bike, and I'm very tempted to buy one myself.
It's funny isn't it, how if a pipe looks cool we just buy it, but if it offers any claims of "performance" advantage over anything else, we immediately question it? Maybe Monty should just say that they look cool? ha ha, Cheers, Terry.