Rings should be OK. 28.000 miles not much.
Unless, bike is ridden very hard, no warm-ups, just WOT most of the time. Cheap oils.
That is a good way to let rings fall out in pieces when lifting the cylinder.
Done that in my early years.

Chains should be OK too, tensioner rubber wheels can be hard due to age. Maybe small black pieces in the oil pan.
Inspect inside pan and see status. Oil strainer must be free from debris.
A long time parked bike can rust inside. Valve seats rusty in need to be re-cut.
Clutch basket can be rusty too in need to be cleaned.
Start a long time parked bike can damage the engine.
Maybe good when parked 20-30 years ago.
Then severe rust that must be cleaned before start. If not, rust can block oil passages and wear bearings.