Apologies in advance for beginner post. I just bought my first bike, a 1981 CB650C. I'm new to motorcycling, but not new to engines. I just changed the oil, filter, and replaced the battery. The bike has trouble idling. when it is cold, it will not idle unless the choke is pulled out, or I give it some throttle, and until its warm, its a little sluggish. Also, fuel leaks from the carburetors when I idle it after riding it. This also sometimes happens simply when the fuel is turned on. I drained the carbs and turned on the fuel, only to have it overflow again after refilling the bowls. I hooked up a sync tool to see if they were out of sync, but they seemed okay in the few moments I looked at the gauges. I also ran some seafoam through it, but it had trouble starting afterwards.
Also, the previous owner must have misplaced some of the vacuum bolts for the sync tool (I don't know what they're called). Two were missing, one replaced with some other bolt of the same thread size, and another with a hose fitting and a small section of hose, plugged at the end. If there were a leak in any of these vacuum ports would it affect performance? If so, how can I find replacements for these bolts?