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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #50 on: February 02, 2019, 01:17:41 PM »
I went to a catholic boarding school in rural western Arkansas. While visiting a former classmate of mine, who also worked at the school, I had the opportunity to shake the hand
of none other than,(at the time) President Bill Clinton. He and Mrs. Clinton were attending
a private wedding in the church of the school. The campus was closed down just before
the Clintons arrived. Secret service guys all over the campus, assisted by armed Arkansas game wardens watching from the roof tops of the dormatories, the "Air Force" guy who
was said to be holding launch(?) codes, the White House Press Corp, etc etc. Everything
I'd heard about, but had never seen, coming full circle. Like him or not, Mr Clinton was very gracious, and shook hands with everyone, including the student body, of maybe 150 or so.
POLITICS ASIDE, it was cool to shake hands with the most powerful guy in the world. The
press corp and secret service folks were very down to earth as well. All very impressive.

Offline Don R

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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #51 on: February 02, 2019, 02:02:12 PM »
 I got to see Obama up close at a rural speech. The Secret Service guys were amazing, coming in I saw large field glasses in the corn field looking at us, before he spoke a half dozen snipers took position on the top of u haul trucks watching the corn fields. Half had black and half had camo on.  Those guys will stare you down too. I noticed regular looking guys in the crowd talking to their wrist. My daughter lived a half mile away and in the morning they could hear people talking in the timber, they took the dogs to work with them.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2019, 06:59:26 PM by Don R »
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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #52 on: February 02, 2019, 04:24:06 PM »
I met Tommy Lee and Heather Locklear at a tiki bar on Grand Cayman in the mid -80's. Told him how I wanted to go see them open up for Ozzy, but it was on a school night, so my mom wouldn't allow it. They both smiled and he said, "That sucks."
In the mid- nineties I sat next to Michael Franti at an after party in Humboldt. I accidentally bonked him on the head with a guitar while passing it around the room. "It's cool", was his reply to my apology. I kept wondering if it was really him. He had just played a show at the local community center in Bayside, Ca. He barely spoke the whole night.
When Prop 215 passed in CA in 1996, I went to get a note in a trailer behind a small clinic in Arcata, and the Dr. was Todd Mikurya.
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Offline carnivorous chicken

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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #53 on: February 02, 2019, 06:11:30 PM »
I got to see Obama up close at a rural speech. The Secret Service guys were amazing, coming in I saw large field glasses in the corn field looking at us, before he spoke a half dozen snipers took position on the top of u haul trucks watching the corn fields. Half had back and half had camo on.  Those guys will stare you down too. I noticed regular looking guys in the crowd talking to their wrist. My daughter lived a half mile away and in the morning they could hear people talking in the timber, they took the dogs to work with them.

Obama's one of the presidents I've met (the others aren't American). He did the commencement speech at my university. I got to say a few words with him, and spoke Indonesian to him (he lived in Indonesia for a few years). He replied, so I can verify he still speaks at least a few words of the language! His speech caused a #$%*storm as it was only a few months after he took office.

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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #54 on: February 03, 2019, 03:15:27 AM »
Richard Petty and Billy Crash Craddock. Got to speak to and shake hands with both of them some years back.
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Offline Don R

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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #55 on: February 14, 2019, 08:52:47 AM »
 Tommy Ivo, Don Schumacher, Jack Beckman at the NHRA museum. They spoke of things from their past that was surprising. The Stardust funny car was sponsored by the casino which was owned by gangsters. Stolen cars, tommy guns, ending with a lunch meeting that ended and hours later the good guy was found with 7 bullets in him. Shoe said he was just glad they didn't take him out at lunch. That's when he quit racing the first time. Ivo smoked weed with Garlits, that's a hard one to visualize. 
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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #56 on: February 14, 2019, 10:01:08 AM »
I should add one more. I met Dick Helms last December at the Boeing Museum of Flight in Seattle. He was a B-17 captain based out of England who flew missions into Germany. Both my dad and I are big WWII warbird buffs, and my dad was an engineer at Boeing for his entire career (retired 20 years), and was a pilot when he was younger. Helms was acting as a docent in front of the museum's B-17, and since it was a cold day we had him to ourselves for about 20-25 minutes. His stories were incredible, he teared up telling us about losing crewmembers, and my dad's knowledge of old planes and engineering made for some great back and forths. Helms is 96 and lucid as ever, but we won't be able to have conversations with him or his like for much longer. 

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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #57 on: February 14, 2019, 11:54:00 AM »
When Glenn Ward was still alive I was listening to him tell about the old days. If you mentioned Tommy Ivo's name he would kind of snicker, shake his head, and almost go into a story about him. That told me Ivo was probably quite the character.

Also the drugs you mentioned earlier.............did you ever see Jungle Jim  drive, 'nuff said.
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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #58 on: February 14, 2019, 12:27:03 PM »
Grew up in LA so lots of celeb sightings, but a couple of my favorites:

Drove past a very old Groucho Marx walking his Schnauzer with his nurse in a fancy residential part of Beverly Hills.

Walked down a staircase that James Caan was walking up.

Went to high school with Phil Morris who played Kramer's lawyer Jackie Chiles in Seinfeld and is the son of Greg Morris from Mission Impossible. Phil was a high jumper on our track team. Very cool and nice guy. Haven't seen him since HS.

And circling back on the Peter, Paul, and Mary theme, I hung out with Mary's daughter Erika in Boston in the summer of '75. Strange that two of us crossed paths with one of these PP&M daughters!
« Last Edit: February 14, 2019, 12:29:21 PM by FourUsTry »
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Offline Don R

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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #59 on: February 14, 2019, 05:27:48 PM »
 We saw a doppleganger of the Cowboy actor from Wagon Train, John McIntire at Spires Restaurant in Ontario. Except he passed away in 91. This guy could be a celebrity impersonator.  I'd imagine he gets that a lot. We didn't bother him.
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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #60 on: February 14, 2019, 06:21:56 PM »
when is someone going to bring this thread to a breathless halt with their story of meeting the Honey Boo Boo clan, i don't wanna hear about these second rate actors and washed up musicians, we want true greatness
i blame Terry

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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #61 on: February 15, 2019, 07:37:49 AM »
Honey boo boo! Honey boo hoo!

My Squeaky Fromme and Tiny Tim sighting not good enough for you?!?!?!
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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #62 on: February 15, 2019, 10:49:38 AM »
Holy cow Spotty!
 Which washed up musicians could ever compare to Honey Boo Boo?  Or  be in the same sentence as  Honey Boo Boo ?   My,  That was cutting.
  I passed by Yoko Ono once in Manhattan,  we were making eye contact when I said "hello" to her anyways.
Yoko, Honey Boo Boo....different times, same amount of talent.
  Never mind, I see what you mean.
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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #63 on: February 15, 2019, 01:07:03 PM »
Met John Britten when he was building the original V1000 under his stairs. His workshop was as messy as mine.
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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #64 on: February 15, 2019, 02:50:29 PM »
Wow Scunny. Hung around with Richard Manuel from the Band in Stratfford he complained that I was going to turn him into a juice head which would #$%* the Horsemen up we helled around Stratford for the summer ahh youth.
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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #65 on: February 15, 2019, 05:17:12 PM »
Ivo smoked weed with Garlits, that's a hard one to visualize.

I got Garlit's autograph at the US Nationals in Indy once many moons ago, he was busy signing autographs so no time for chat.

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Offline Don R

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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #66 on: February 15, 2019, 05:25:26 PM »
 We caught Big Daddy pretending to not be at the Museum when he was still racing. I think it was Tuesday and his daughter was claiming he wasn't back from the races yet. The guy asking said the truck is here, his daughter said he flew back, the guy said the truck beat the plane?
No matter how many times you paint over a shadow, it's still there.
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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #67 on: February 15, 2019, 05:31:11 PM »
I had Jim Fowler in my jumpseat from Laguardia to Harrisburg. Pa. Fascinating man to talk to.
   I got Leslie Nielsen to say his " airplane" schtick to me and my first officer while boarding. Great sport about it.
    Had Bill Cosby on board and he stayed behind after everyone else deplaned and got pictures.....before his current trouble...

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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #68 on: February 15, 2019, 07:11:05 PM »
Met John Britten when he was building the original V1000 under his stairs. His workshop was as messy as mine.
I used to do work for a fellow, he went to School with John .
 He said John restored a truck nicely, at an early age, and I think an Indian..
 Anyway the fellows named was Richard Wright, he moved back there, quite a long time ago..
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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #69 on: February 15, 2019, 08:23:13 PM »
Long time ago I met Hall of Fame pitcher Bob Feller.  My mother had dated him before she met my father.  I got an autographed ball, picture and a photo of me and Bob--exciting stuff for a young lad...Larry

Offline dave the welder

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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #70 on: February 17, 2019, 08:34:56 AM »
any detroit locals remember Moose and Da Sharks?a 50s rock and roll band.they played my wedding 31 years ago. that's the best I can do for famous people
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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #71 on: February 26, 2019, 07:30:03 AM »
Saw a beautiful blonde and a long haired guy walk by me in the airport last week in Barbados. The guy looked very familiar and after 30 seconds it dawned on me it was Kelly Hanson, the lead singer for the rock band Foreigner [I had seen them in concert in Austin last summer].
I wasn't 100% sure it was him but once they took a seat near the gate waiting for the flight, I politely approached him and asked if I could ask a question:

"Are you a juke box hero"?! He seemed a little surprised and said "I guess so", told him I saw the concert last summer and enjoyed it and walked off, not wanting to bother him further.

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Offline Don R

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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #72 on: February 28, 2019, 09:32:23 AM »
 There's a local car/motorcycle auction that seems to attract a rocker every year. But I'm old and can't think of his name. so never mind. L0L!
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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #73 on: April 02, 2019, 09:23:07 AM »
I met governor/ senator/ and University President David Boren on Christmas Eve at a grocery store. He is suddenly under investigation for his hiring and promotion policy at the University. When he ran for Senate he did a thing with swearing on the Bible denouncing his gayness. He quit his second term early presumably because he was about to be outed. After 23 or so years he announced he would retire from the University. I figured something was up when the announcement came, I had mentioned him and his " action line at the University where I had reported a law prof using the alias Mr. Rogers the Intern in hearing to keep his real name out of the public records asso iated with a fraud. I mailed the concerns to him too so he personally might see it

I also suggested to the courts that action meant nothing in this case, and that though he did good things for the school (especially the art collection), the fact was the school had an extremely valuable painting that was owned by a family that went to a Nazi Death Camp. Well I suggested that having his lawyers get in a multi million dollar litigation to spring some cash out of the deal was probably at best not politically correct compared to just giving it back.

It was announced last in February that the University had hired an independent investigation with Jones Day , perhaps the world's largest law firm. They say that something  should have been investigated but wasn't.  For a month or more I thought ,Of course I though sure I had got someone in the Ninth Circuit pissed off, and that may well be, too

But  so far it is about  what we monikered Boren's Cabana Boys.  Last Friday I met an old friend of mine who worked in that admin and would report but the problem is that the fear of retaliation had a chilling effect on her and everyone who saw pretty boy external hiring to more lucrative positions Instead of merit promotions.

It was kind of funny she seemed to suspect I was up to something with it, and was talikin real close ...said she respected me fighting " the good fight and how she was asked and wanted to report but said the idiots were contacting through her university email. Well she is a handsome woman by any standard, and described Boren' right hand man Trip Hall (homosexual harasser also) as evil , and that she was 10 months away from repotring might not be good and she was talking so close that I leaned ang gave my friend s wife a kiss  ..not harssment like other sexual, but it was at an open bar art show and she said she had to track me down when she heard I had bum rushed the door and was theere.

I have been posting on Facebook at district 21 better government association or some such. So go over and like all the posts . You don't REALLY have to read anything just hit the like or wow or laugh.

OSBI was invited in and I am trying to steer Jones Day towards the law school, one the law prof., Alias Mr Roberts the seventy five year old intern. For Hon. Jeff Virgin the non partisan idealogue denocrat politician in robes.

The new university pres gave the hatchet to a third of the upper staff, but the Investigation started elsewhere they aay. We are still learning.

Jones Day is of course Trump's Lawyers, one of them went to the Solicitor Generals office. Another of Trump's cabinet just went back to JD so they are almost like a fifth branch of the governments (Grand (Jury being fourth btanch).

I'M claiming no responsibility for Trump. I hated Hillary and her shadow government Unions. Here the Demcrats have a local kleptocrisy. And I hope the moderator cuts me some slack here but the locals are a mixed bag of nuts and like Marxism it doesn't matter what your father wished,  because the social programs are now in place where there won't be any starving.

On the local level here inheritance is superseded to destroy us  capatalist pigs and party member s are
entitled to your birthright inheritance if they lie to the Marxist Judge.

So I'm looking to see sone coincidences again.and the Douchebag  represents he has a team of lawyers,. And make no mistak, "when you call them or they call you you will be talking to an attorney."

Of course what you really got was a university intern participating in a unlicensed practice of law scheme run by a fraudsters..

Sorry for the threadjackinfg, but that's who I met recently. I'll fill in more stories of people less douchebaggy and more interesting later..

In the mean time you can also find this guy if you want and leave a 1 on his Google review. Without comment. He uses people in his family and firm to puff up his ratings, defrauds banks, retirement accounts, runs a rent a tribe and has narcissistic personally disorder, so he loves praise like I know you all can give him
 His risk management and due diligence teams are apparently on strike other than they are trying to put me in jail for broadcasting some truth.

« Last Edit: April 02, 2019, 10:09:26 AM by faux fiddy »
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Re: Brush with greatness?
« Reply #74 on: April 03, 2019, 03:22:00 AM »
 :o :o :o :o :o
The older I get the faster I was.