This is how I do a cold start:
1. Open petcock
2. Close chokes fully by bringing the lever up in horizontal position.
3. Twist the throttle inwards a cm or two.
4. Press the starter button
5. As soon as the engine runs, I can slowly open the chokes by bringing the lever down (lever vertical). This is done gradually within 5-8 seconds. From here the engine does not need choke anymore. Important is to bring the lever fully down till it clicks. You can even feel a little resistance. This is functional because it tells you the lever is all the way down and locked (kind of). If you ride with the lever even a little engaged (not 'clicked' home), there's always the risk your trousers will swipe the lever upwards, closing the chokes again. This can and will happen easily often unnoticed.
6. The first kilometers the engine needs a raised idle, so don't let the throttle slip all the way back.
Often I use the big idle adjuster for this raised idle, but that's a personal preference.