Hope your enjoying the well deserved RR.
AR500 plate is what works well in high wear high impact pressures. AR500 is used in mining and abrasive dirt moving applications. It can last all year in quarry applications.
This link is for 3inch rifle ar500 target. Somewhat pricey though. can purchase AR500 from local metal suppliers too. However if purchased in large quantities, you shall be under the watchful eye of big bother (DHS) and big bother allays knows best. Military uses AR metals for amour plate.
If you decide on this route, the rules for welding varying. Generally speaking good results can be experienced from preheating base metal and AR500 to 400-500*. 7018, welds AR to mild steel base metals well with minimal undercutting. 10018, 11018 rods welds better when welding to higher tensile base metals like T1. These rods tensile strengths at 100,000 and 118,000 respectively mirrors or bests the tensile strength of better alloy base metals.
After welding, its suggested you re-preheat the finished work back to 400-500*. Wax sticks work well here. Wrap snugly in non-faced fibergalssed attic insulation. Let cool for 24hr and hopefully it won't snap off when hitting a bump.
Or a more economical path, source used Dozer blade's cutting edges.
Generally these are still at or over 1/2 thick when replacement is necessary.
There should be plenty of flat usable material between the bolts holes. Road graders have concave blades.
Forgot to mention the Stoody hard facing rods. Available for arc, wire, mig, tig, and bare boron rods for brazing. The boron rods primarily used in metal to metal extreme pressure contact applications. Quality hard facing rods cost are generally between $2-10$ per rod retail. Many 1/8 rods weigh just under 1oz.