i have a 1971 honda cb500. (Up until recently) it hadn't been running for 8 or 9 months, but with the help of you guys on this forum i got it running....not running WELL, but never the less, it's running.
I'll give you the run down (as best i can... forgive me for the lack of lingo- i'm very much a novice when it comes to motorcycles)
I sent the bike to the shop around April of last year (2018). when i got the bike back, the mechanic said it was in "tip-top shape". it ran very well for about a month or so, and then it started losing power and eventually stopped running and wouldn't start. I noticed that there was a crack in one of the rubber carburetor boots- replaced that. checked spark plugs... got spark, checked points- filed them with a point file... got spark, drained float bowls- reintroduced gas... got gas, checked gas tank petcock- carbs getting gas/ no kink in the gas lines, new battery, checked the brass tubes at the the bottom of the carbs to see if they vented (by blowing air into them with a surgical tube)...seemed fine. I knocked the bottom of the carb bowls to loosen the floats.....
After doing all of this, i finally got the bike to start.
It starts with the choke in the "on" position (up). It USED to start with the choke off (when a little pressure was applied to the throttle- this is how i would normally start the bike)...after i few seconds i turn the choke down a bit, and eventually turn the choke off (in the down position-after five to seven minutes).
runs rough. adjusted the idle screw to the point where the engine was running at 1000-1100+ rpm...took the bike for a spin around the block- little to no power. got it into second gear and had the throttle completely pinned back and still couldn't go over 30mph. rode it back home, put it in neutral...rpms shot up to 2500, lowered the idle adjustment screw, got it back down to 1000-1200. after a few minutes the rpm dropped to 900...800..then died. turned the screw again to turn up the rpm back to 1000-1100 and after a few minutes it shot back up to 2500rpm.. it was hard to keep the rpm consistant...
....any advice?