Having problems with my carburetors.... pulled them out....
- ran carb cleaner through slow jet & mainjet
- floats move freely
Before I pulled the carbs out, gas was draining from carbs #2 and #4
- after “cleaning” out said jets, I decided to hook the fuel line from the gas tank petcock to the carbs to see if each carb was getting gas...
-gas flowed through the left side but not the right side—
-took lines off the gas tank... petcocks both drained gas
-both gas lines looked clear
- I took the line on the right and blew air through it fine, blew through the line on the left and there was resistance....
- lifted the float on the one on the right and air went through....
Also: do I need to replace my fuel lines?... they look orangish/brown.
Petcock flow can be confusing. Each port serves a pair of carbs. By design, the petcock will
deliver fuel to the pair of carbs that needs it most. To check it for proper operation,
run a hose from each port to a drain jar....-
Turn the valve on, Block/restrict one of the hoses and leave the other
hose hang unrestricted... Fuel should flow freely and consistently from the unrestricted hose. Change sides
unblocking the first hose and restricting the opposite hose..Fuel should flow....
Finally, unblock both hoses and note flow. Under this condition, the valve, by design,
and gravity MAY cause the fuel flow to alternate between ports. This si to balance the fuel levels in each pair of carbs.