Author Topic: New Ideas for Bike of the Month  (Read 1002 times)

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New Ideas for Bike of the Month
« on: March 12, 2019, 01:52:24 PM »
Over the past year plus, there's been waning participation in Bike of the Month.  Vote count appears to be down overall and, for some months (this one included), it is sometimes a struggle to get nominees. 

With the goal of trying to increase interest and participation -- both with nominations and voting members -- I encourage you to post suggestions in this thread.  Sam and I will review the suggestions and if we determine them to be beneficial, reasonable and feasible, we will either make amendments or create a poll to amend existing rules.  So, with that in mind, please feel free to post your suggestions. 

Some suggestions may include:
- Increasing the nomination time period (but this will decrease the voting time period)
- Selecting classes for voting by size (750, middleweight 650-550-500 and 350) classes
- Including bikes built by members for owners other than themselves (professional class)
- Selecting classes by type of build: survivor, restoration, restomod, modified (such as cafe, scrambler, tracker)

Please post your suggestions and/or your interest in others' suggestions for changes in the following thread:,176562.0.html
1975 CB550K1 "Blue" Stockish Restomod (
1975 CB550F1 frame/CB650 engine hybrid "The Hot Mess" (,150220.0.html)
2008 Triumph Thruxton (,190956.0.html)
2014 MV Agusta Brutale Dragster 800
2015 Yamaha FZ-09 (,186861.0.html)

"There are some things nobody needs in this world, and a bright-red, hunch-back, warp-speed 900cc cafe racer is one of them — but I want one anyway, and on some days I actually believe I need one.... Being shot out of a cannon will always be better than being squeezed out of a tube. That is why God made fast motorcycles, Bubba." Hunter S. Thompson, Song of the Sausage Creature, Cycle World, March 1995.  ( and

1973 CB750K2 "Bionic Mongrel" ( - Sold
1977 CB750K7 "Nine Lives" Restomod ( - Sold
2005 RVT1000RR RC51-SP2 "El Diablo" - Sold
2016+ Triumph Thruxton 1200 R (,170198.0.html) - Sold

Offline jakec

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Re: New Ideas for Bike of the Month
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2019, 02:01:19 PM »
I like the last suggestion, vote by class. Like this month, vote for the best restoration (stock) or custom bike.

I also think you would have more options if you let people enter their own bikes. I see bikes on here that I like but sometimes I can't find the thread later, or I have no idea whose it is.
1970 CB750 K0
1977 CB750 Chop
1997 XR650L

Offline ekpent

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Re: New Ideas for Bike of the Month
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2019, 04:20:17 PM »
  I'll agree with what Jakec said. One problem seems to be that there are not enough new fresh bikes to keep it going well. I would wager to bet there are many hidden gems floating around the forum from both new and old members that never make it to the "project shop" or are pictured in the tech sections to ever even get discovered for a nomination. There are also some people who are on the shy side maybe and don't post much but are avid users with some nice machines.
  Self nomination may not be in the spirit of the competition but maybe you could have a month or more or separate section of a "for your consideration" where a member could show his pride and joy that is lingering off in the abyss somewhere. Fun part of the contest is hearing the story and enjoying the pictures and the more tales the merrier.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2019, 04:43:08 AM by ekpent »

Offline rb550four

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Re: New Ideas for Bike of the Month
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2019, 08:22:50 PM »
  A few good ideas here... I like the size class idea, can't tell you how many times I see excellent examples of 500/550 up against the hands down favorite 750.
  For your consideration, I like that , never know who has what or how many  or what they may have done to it since we saw it last, sounds interesting.
  What might these kind of changes do to the calender ? Will there be a bike of the month or bikes of the month?
Whatever happens , we can't loose BOTM. Not just because I like it , but because  every member featured each month has raised the bar over the years. when I first got here members were working on combinations of newer  front ends for example ,   concentrating on how the best way was to upgrade older forks and maybe some better shocks. Now it's forks from recent machines , mono shock swing arm set ups, and improved engine upgrades, turbos .... the quality of upgrades and workmanship here has morphed these old machines into something more than what most of us could expect . Here, we all see somebody doing something new and different to these 70's machines every week that becomes the new norm, the next thing that we want to do to our own machines.
 And when I'm sick of looking at Cafe racers, there's always someone doing a spot on restoration just so we don't forget from where it is we came from, or someone taking pride of an affordable upgrade that can make a difference in ride or handling,  or the non winners of BOTM, the guys who have done excellent work to the machine they obviously love to make it their own and welcome the chance to show it off, even if it doesn't win. 
  For me, BOTM is a slice of life about the machines  and the the lengths people will go to improve their ride.  Gonna be hard to improve on that....doesn't get much  better than that, does it?
A few Honda 500's, a few Honda 550's, a few Honda 650's, '72 cb 450, a couple 500/550/650 hybrids, and 2001 750. 
  550 Snowbike -Somebody had to do it.,101678.0.html    ,137317.msg1550907.html#msg1550907

Offline BomberMann650

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Re: New Ideas for Bike of the Month
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2019, 03:19:10 PM »
- Including bikes built by members for owners other than themselves (professional class)

Wait....I'm in the pro-class?  Oh no...

Offline jgger

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Re: New Ideas for Bike of the Month
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2019, 10:37:59 PM »
How about every 3rd or 4th month having a runner up contest of the 2nd place bikes from the previous months. That would keep the also ran bikes on display. Because when it is a hard choice contest it doesn't mean that 2nd place was junk. It still took a lot of time,money,talent, and love to build the number 2 bike each month. I know 2nd, 3rd, or even 50th place surpasses my ability.
"The SOHC4 uses a computer located about 2-3 ft above the seat.  Those sometimes need additional programming." -stolen from  Two Tired

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Offline Scott S

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Re: New Ideas for Bike of the Month
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2019, 03:19:38 AM »
How about every 3rd or 4th month having a runner up contest of the 2nd place bikes from the previous months. That would keep the also ran bikes on display. Because when it is a hard choice contest it doesn't mean that 2nd place was junk. It still took a lot of time,money,talent, and love to build the number 2 bike each month. I know 2nd, 3rd, or even 50th place surpasses my ability.

 I like this idea, too. Maybe once a year take the top 4 runners up and have a run off? Pick a particular month and do it every year?
'71 CB500 K0
'17 Triumph Street Scrambler
'81 Yamaha XS650

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Re: New Ideas for Bike of the Month
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2019, 04:45:15 PM »
How about every 3rd or 4th month having a runner up contest of the 2nd place bikes from the previous months. That would keep the also ran bikes on display. Because when it is a hard choice contest it doesn't mean that 2nd place was junk. It still took a lot of time,money,talent, and love to build the number 2 bike each month. I know 2nd, 3rd, or even 50th place surpasses my ability.

Great idea.  Maybe a good clean up for later in the year!
1975 CB550K1 "Blue" Stockish Restomod (
1975 CB550F1 frame/CB650 engine hybrid "The Hot Mess" (,150220.0.html)
2008 Triumph Thruxton (,190956.0.html)
2014 MV Agusta Brutale Dragster 800
2015 Yamaha FZ-09 (,186861.0.html)

"There are some things nobody needs in this world, and a bright-red, hunch-back, warp-speed 900cc cafe racer is one of them — but I want one anyway, and on some days I actually believe I need one.... Being shot out of a cannon will always be better than being squeezed out of a tube. That is why God made fast motorcycles, Bubba." Hunter S. Thompson, Song of the Sausage Creature, Cycle World, March 1995.  ( and

1973 CB750K2 "Bionic Mongrel" ( - Sold
1977 CB750K7 "Nine Lives" Restomod ( - Sold
2005 RVT1000RR RC51-SP2 "El Diablo" - Sold
2016+ Triumph Thruxton 1200 R (,170198.0.html) - Sold