Hi again
Thanks for your answers.
So just so i understand correct, getting the rocker housing from a k1 for example is no problem?
The rockerarms was also damaged but i saw this a long time ago so i have replaced them, basicly it took out the rockers, camshaft and then the rocker housing-bearings.
I have tried to inspect the oil channels as good as i can, blew air threw them and so on and everything seems open and good. However i wonder if theres any known problemspots i should take particular care to inspect?
Im also gonna take the oilpump apart for cleaning and inspection, are these pumps good or are they failure prone?
Could the camshaft and such get messed up from for example low/little oil in the engine and/or poor oil?
im also a little confused by something else. In the gasket set i bought, theres valve stem seals, in one bag theres "normal" looking valvestem seals and also some bigger rubber rings or whatever to call it. I never seen those kinda rubber rings before and i dont understand how they will go on my bike, so i assume these stems for an older or newer engine, or am i missunderstanding something obvious?
Thanks again for all help