Bomber is your bike stock? so how exactly have you set up your 627b's? what jets, needle, air screw are using and what groove for the needle?
My bike runs fine on 627b's and with twotired's suggested needle jet.
They're functionally and physically the same.
Just swap in your jets.
It's a franken bike. More stock than not.
I bought up a couple sets of 500/550 carbs on the cheap knowing that my 069A were ethanol corroded. When I rebuilt the motor, I restored a set of carbs to go with. The grungy lot turned out to be 627B's and were the nicest bodies I had to choose from. They are identical castings.
Otherwise, I've got an open 4-into-1 yoshimura canister exhaust, cb650 cam with factory valve clearances per cylinder, contoured intake ports, stock airbox, and pamco timing trigger.
Iirc i'm jetted at 105/42 with the middle clip and don't remember what my ims is turned to.