Author Topic: Spending more time trying to start than riding  (Read 1744 times)

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Spending more time trying to start than riding
« on: June 07, 2005, 02:25:34 PM »
I have a '76 550 and it takes forever to start, i mean FOREVER! The electric starter does not work so i am left to kick start it. This normally isnt a problem except that it takes me like half and hour to start. Here is my starting procedure: choke on, kick for about 10 min, role down driveway and pop clutch, kick some more, try to pop clutch again. Usually poping the clutch works the best. Even though it takes forever to start, once its going to runs great. Also, once the bike is warm, i can start it on 1-2 kicks.

 So my questoin is what can i do to get this to start up in under 10 kicks? Is it the spark, fuel, air, compression?

thanks, John

Offline TwoTired

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Re: Spending more time trying to start than riding
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2005, 03:15:41 PM »
Please report the results of the following tests:

1- Get a volt meter and measure the voltage across the open points with the ignition on as though you were trying to start it.
2- Measure the battery voltage at its terminals under the same conditions.
3- Pull the plugs and note the numbers marked on them.  Also, compare the deposits to the pics at: 
Which pics do they resemble and are they all similar condition?

When was the last complete, thorough tune-up on the engine?
Are you certain your pod filters aren't interfering with full choke closure?
Are all the choke butterflys closing completely, evenly?
Does your starting improve with the headlight off?
Have you measured the resistance of the spark plug caps?
Have you done a compression test?

These are things I would do if I was presented with the problem in person.
Lloyd... (SOHC4 #11 Original Mail List)
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Offline frostypuck

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Re: Spending more time trying to start than riding
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2005, 05:12:41 PM »
I concur with lloyd. for what it's worth. Strangely enough, I find I can start the bike with the kick much easier, in some cases, than with the electric starter. Especially after I've done something stupid like leave the kill switch on.
Chris in Boston
Btw, why doesn't the starter work? Usually a pretty easy fix.
Boston, MA, USA

Offline oldbiker

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Re: Spending more time trying to start than riding
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2005, 03:00:14 AM »
From your symptoms the FIRST thing to check is the working of the choke mechanism, and how much this opens the idle setting.

Offline Harry

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Re: Spending more time trying to start than riding
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2005, 06:31:41 AM »
So, you're sure you aren't flooding it, and that it wont start with the choke off? Battery well charged? All lights etc off when starting? Gave the carb bowls time to fill (you DO switch off the gas a coupla hundred yards short of home!?). Your fuel is new & fresh? If ´twas me, I would have a can of Easy Start to spray in the airbox before starting, while looking for the fault. Good stuff, but use sparingly as it can give a powerful detonation which just could blow a gasket (I´ve heard). I use it very occasionally in the winter to take the load off the starter motor, and use the kicker instead.

BTW using the kicker makes more current available for sparking, often a bike low on current will start on the kicker but not on starter. When Mr Honda of Blessed Memory gave us bikes with starters he was so considerate as to leave us the kickers, being unsure whether the batteries of the time where up to the load of electric starting!
Harry Teicher, member #3,, NOT the capital of Sweden.