Author Topic: Vincent Black Lightning.  (Read 925 times)

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Offline Old Moe Toe

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Vincent Black Lightning.
« on: March 23, 2019, 11:27:18 PM »
Went down to the Geeveston(a small rural village) car and bike show today with the intention of seeing this bike in the flesh. It sold at auction in the US earlier this year for $929,000 or about 1.5 million Aussie dollars. Lucky for us an Aussie guy bought it. In original cosmetic condition showing off battle scars from racing, I think the internals have been done up. Notice there is no kickstarter, jump start only. This bike also raced with a sidecar, notice the back wheel with a sprocket either side. Just turn the wheel around to get the correct gearing for side car.
Was talking to the guy who owned it, I think he said there are 18 other ones in the world remaining.
Sorry about the tiny pictures, don't have bucketphoto.