I had so much fun learning to fix up a 78 550K4 last winter and riding it that I bought a disassembled 71 500K0 to give me something to do this winter.
Just getting started with the engine by cleaning, inspecting and a few gasket replacements. Engine is off frame and on stand. Working toward compression check. The first thing I did was remove the stator cover, put a socket wrench on the crankshaft bolt, and made sure the 500 engine turns. It turns nicely and easily and compress seems good, I'll measure it soon. Phew.
Meanwhile, I noticed the kick starter arm seems to lock up. The engine is upside down in the stand and the oil pan is off. Looking down into the engine at the kick starter shaft and assembly, and removing the clutch cover, I can tell from videos, pictures, the service and parts manuals, and an extra unassembled engine I have that the kick starter arm / assembly is correct and seems to work as designed. Push on the arm and the kick starter ratchet turns and engages the kick starter pinion. But, unlike turning the crankshaft with a socket wrench easily, the kick starter doesn't seem to have the leverage to turn the engine when the transmission is in neutral. I assume I am in neutral as the front sprocket turns freely and easy with one finger.
May also be important to note that the left crankcase cover is also off, which means the clutch lifter rod is not engaged with the clutch lifter/clutch adjuster assembly. Not sure if that makes a difference here.
I know on my 550, once I had the engine unseized, I could easily turn the engine with the kick starter arm.
I'm trying to figure this out before I do compression check. I've gotten some good ideas from a few more knowledgeable than I, but I figured I'll put this out there in the event someone else is familiar.
Is this normal? Do I have a kick starter or transmission issue to be concerned with? Is it not turning the engine because the clutch lifter is not installed? One more point, if I turn the engine with the socket wrench on the crankshaft bolt with one hand and push the kick starter arm with my other, it will spin its full capability. Here are a few videos to demonstrate.
Also, if helpful, in the picture. Red arrow is the kick starter assembly, green is the front sprocket, blue is the transmission, brown is crank shaft. If it is not normal for the kick starter to be non-functional in this state, should I pull the clutch basket and assembly to see if something is not installed, missing or bent there? But if that were the case, why is the engine turning freely from crank shaft?