As far as work testing, my civilian job does not test and in the military (army reserve) there are strict rules about when it can be consumed (8 hrs before regular shift, 24 hrs before shifts when weapons handled, none on course/ex even if off duty, basically none if you are flight crew). If you come to work obviously #$%*ed up, whether it be alcohol or weed or anything else, you'll be sent home without pay, likely tested, and fined. As it should be. With the military you can still get randomly tested, they're just not looking for residual amounts of THC anymore.
As far as driving, there's some hoops to jump through yet... A woman in NS was recently pulled over and tested. The test found high levels of THC in her blood because she is a medical user, but she hadn't had any that day. Her car was impounded, and she had to pay a bunch to get it out... A real #$%*show. Her lawyers are going to town on it though!
This whole thing is new for Canadians! Certainly a welcome change.
Anyway, here's 10 days from sprouting: