Author Topic: New Mexico riders...  (Read 526 times)

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Offline medic09

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New Mexico riders...
« on: January 24, 2007, 08:16:07 PM »
I posted the notice for the ABQ Ride for Kids (Pediatric Brain Trauma Foundation) in the events section.  Please take a look, and come out to ride and raise $ for a really worthy cause! 

So far, I know of 2 coming down from Los Alamos (one is a trike that may later carry one of the kids participating), 2 from Santa Fe (me and my dear one).  Of course, lots of riders from the immediate ABQ area and elsewhere.  Anyone from SF and north, maybe we can coordinate a little ride down I-25 on the way to ABQ?  Coffee at my house before we go!

See the notice in Events.


'78 CB750K
'76 Triumph T160 Trident (rebuilding)
'07 aprilia Caponord

Santa Fe, NM

Offline medic09

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Re: New Mexico riders...
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2007, 07:03:04 PM »

There's not many of us, but I'll keep this alive just a little longer.

So many of us at Med Flight ride, we may try to put together a flight crew group in uniform.  Corny, I know; but the company president may kick in matching funds.

'78 CB750K
'76 Triumph T160 Trident (rebuilding)
'07 aprilia Caponord

Santa Fe, NM