My other (older) hobby is playing with Land Cruisers. A couple years ago, a guy on the forum posted a pic of a steel winch bumper he made for his Land Cruiser. Several guys piped in with "Sweet! Where do I send my check?" He said basically the same thing - "just made it for his truck, wouldn't be cost effective to make another." He had a full-time job, limited time, etc. His solution: "Okay, if ten guys commit to buy one, I'll make ten." That created enough efficiencies that he could charge XX and make a buck but still make the bumper reasonably priced. Just a thought.
Oh, to finish the bumper story... Ten did commit... then ten more... ten more. First run of the bumpers was around 70. He started getting requests for rear bumpers, roof racks, products for newer Land Cruisers, Tacomas, Tundras.. He has a very different full-time job now... running his own fabrication company.