Author Topic: Seattle to San Francisco? Anybody have any advice?  (Read 1779 times)

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Offline stueveone

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Seattle to San Francisco? Anybody have any advice?
« on: January 25, 2007, 07:13:21 PM »
Hey guys,
I'm planning a Seattle to Portland ride and was wondering if any of you out there had tried it already and had tips or pointers. What stretch of road? What must see attractions? Give me some info!
« Last Edit: January 27, 2007, 11:18:36 AM by stueveone »

Offline mrblasty

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Re: Seattle to Portland? Anybody have any advice?
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2007, 09:16:45 PM »
I-5 is boring but quick, west of I-5 is more rural, east is more mountainous.  I like the ape caves around mount saint helens.
HWY 101 and 105 look like a nice ride.
There is a ferry ride across the columbia leaving from Cathlamet, the last time I rode the ferry it cost under five bucks and lets you off around Clackskanie.
When are you planning your trip?
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Offline Uncle Ernie

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Re: Seattle to Portland? Anybody have any advice?
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2007, 09:50:57 AM »
Head South.
Buy salmon jerky in OR.  Mmmmm (don't expect it to last as long as beef jerky!)
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Offline stueveone

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Re: Seattle to Portland? Anybody have any advice?
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2007, 11:11:45 AM »
I'll keep my eyes peeled for some salmon jerky. We are planning the trip sometime in June. I was thinking about taking Highway 1 for a bit of it, but have heard it gets pretty oppressive with switchbacks for a long while.

Offline jabbadeznuts

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Re: Seattle to Portland? Anybody have any advice?
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2007, 12:24:04 PM »
I've only gone the I-5 route from Salem, OR to Bellingham, WA. Pretty boring ride, but quicker.

Portland is nice, except for all the one way streets. Those things drive me absolutely nuts! I'd park the bike and do some walking around downtown. On Sunday, there's the farmer's market on Pioneer Square which may be of interest.

Lodging can be kind of expensive. If you want class, I'd HIGHLY recommend the Hotel Lucia on Broadway. Close enough to walk to most places and REALLY nice. $$$ though. Maybe some SOHC-ers can put you up?

Last piece of advise - DO NOT come down to Salem. This place sucks. >:(
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Offline HITMAN

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Re: Seattle to Portland? Anybody have any advice?
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2007, 12:52:52 PM »
Last piece of advise - DO NOT come down to Salem. This place sucks.

+1  Oh wait, I'm down there 3 time a year so I can keep my cellar stocked.

West bank of the river can be expensive, and east bank you have to be careful what part of town your in.  There are some decent places to stay in Milwaukie.
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Offline Clutch Cargo

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Re: Seattle to Portland? Anybody have any advice?
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2007, 04:00:01 PM »
Watch out for Liberals.

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Offline Kikemon

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Re: Seattle to Portland? Anybody have any advice?
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2007, 06:00:58 PM »
Hwy 1 is a nice ride if you don't want to make time. Lots of curves, but in a good way. The thing is, though, summer doesn't start up here until July so it is likely to be cold and wet still. Actually you should count on cold/wet nomatter where you ride - unless you go all the way out east of the cascades where it will be just cold. Hwy 1 can be pretty slippery in the wet - especially with all the moss/algae or whatever slime it is that grows on it. Shouldn't be a lot of traffic there though, most of the towns along it are very economically depressed and pretty sad (logging towns). Or, you could cobble together a ride just east of I-5 using Hwys 90 to 18 to 169 to 165 etc and on to Portland. Finally, there is a bicycle ride every year from Seattle to Portland that goes along rural roads from Seattle to Longview WA, across the river to Hwy 30 and down to Portland that would be good. You could Google "Seattle to Portland bicycle" or "STP ride" and probably come up with the exact route without too much trouble. There's no liberals out here so you needn't worry about that. Just a bunch of hippy tree people with a fondness for herbology.

Offline Uncle Ernie

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Re: Seattle to Portland? Anybody have any advice?
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2007, 08:12:00 PM »
"Highway 1 for a bit of it, but have heard it gets pretty oppressive with switchbacks for a long while. "

Whoever your travel agent is- fire him.  I like the route going North a little more because it's easier to see how the coastline breaks up.  Getting into the redwoods is like entering a living cathedral.  No jerky on Hwy 5, either.  Portland has the friendliest people in the world.  The first time I was there, I was suspicious and paranoid, like "What do these people REALLY want?!"  Plus, it was just weird having pretty girls talk to me and smile.  They did that in SanFrancisco but it took me a few years to realize they were really men.  In Portland- they really are girls!  You may not have a lot of time to spend, but I think Portland is a very pretty city.  Coos Bay is fun. 
Take your time. Get on Hwy 1 ASAP.  You'll be glad.  BTW- The Saloon in Pt Reyes Station has the coolest naked lady picture over the bar and the best Irish coffee. 

Just re-read and realize you're not going past Portland... Too bad. maybe next time.  Most of the really scenic stuff is south of Portland. That's just a short ride and a peice of cake.  Half day at the most.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2007, 08:15:19 PM by Uncle Ernie »
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Offline stueveone

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Oops! I meant San Francisco
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2007, 11:17:56 AM »
Man, I gotta stop drinking so much. . .
Ha ha. I meant San Francisco, not Portland. Me and a few others will be taking a trip from Seattle to SAN FRANCISCO in June. I was thinking Portland because I am also thinking about that bicycle ride this spring that kikemon mentioned. Whoops.
So yeah, what about down to San Francisco?

Offline Uncle Ernie

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Re: Seattle to San Francisco? Anybody have any advice?
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2007, 12:46:35 PM »
I used to do it in 2 days. Did it once in one, but it's pure punishment. Just stay al close to the coast as you can and you can't go wrong.  Absolutely a gorgeous ride.  Ocean/coast, redwoods, elk, wild flowers...  Can't beat it.  Once you start down 5, it's REALLY hard to get back over to the coast.  Just going from memory here...
Too many cool places to talk about in SF.  My favorite place to hang was Farleys Coffee House in Potrero Hill- something like 20th and Mississippi I think.  There's always a great bike show there lined up the whole block.  Plus, walk down a block and there's one of the best views of downtown SF and the Bay.  I still remember the day some guy asked for skim milk in his latte. The place went instantly silent as everybody just stared him down.  God that was funny.
Dude- your 8 layers are showing!

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Re: Seattle to San Francisco? Anybody have any advice?
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2007, 08:25:51 PM »

Very interesting. Perhaps we might cross paths. My buddy and I usually do a high mileage ride from Colorado each August but are now planning on June this year and our tentative plans are the coast from Vancouver to San Fran or visa versa. We have 2 weeks to enjoy. We have done absolutely NO research as of yet until he gets his vacation time approved. Keep in touch and perhaps we can share info at the least.

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Offline medic09

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Re: Seattle to San Francisco? Anybody have any advice?
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2007, 08:32:14 PM »
When I lived in Vancouver, BC I made the drive to LA a few times.  I agree with Uncle Ernie about Hwy 1 and the beautiful impression when you hit redwood country.  Do be prepared to take your time.  As I remember, long stretches of Hwy 1 along the Oregon coast had no way to pass.  If you get stuck behind a logging truck, you'll be there for a while.  Best kite shops anywhere on that road along the Oregon coast.  I still have a little parafoil I bought there.  Southern Oregon has some good little state parks for rest stops or even an easy overnight.  At least, it was like that about 12 years ago.

I-5 is a high-speed ride, but not much to offer or interest as I recall...

If I were going again, I'd take Hwy 1.

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Offline stueveone

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Re: Seattle to San Francisco? Anybody have any advice?
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2007, 03:07:58 AM »
Thanks for the input guys. And Jerry: yeah, that would be cool to swap info.  I'm renting a book from the library called Motorcycle Journey through the Northwest or something. I'll let you know how it turns out.

take it easy,

Offline EBCB

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Re: Seattle to San Francisco? Anybody have any advice?
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2007, 11:35:02 AM »
I always try to stop and stay a couple of days in Shelter Cove,CA at the Inn of teh Lost Coast ( ). Located high on a cliff above the ocean with balconies on  each room.  Pretty good riding in the area and even a good restuarant across teh street (the Chart House or something like that). The restaurant is in a small A frame building and only seats about 20 people. Fantastic food though.

Beaches a short walk away, black basalt pebble beachs - very cool.

Not much to see in teh town, but a good place to based out of for a few days riding. Hit the Avenue of the giants if ya get a chance - nice smooth road with lots of redwoods.


Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Re: Seattle to San Francisco? Anybody have any advice?
« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2007, 03:48:15 PM »
Thanks for the input guys. And Jerry: yeah, that would be cool to swap info.  I'm renting a book from the library called Motorcycle Journey through the Northwest or something. I'll let you know how it turns out.

take it easy,

Excellent. Please feel free to PM anything. Don't worry about my spam filter. It will get through and I'll add you.
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Offline mrbreeze

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Re: Seattle to San Francisco? Anybody have any advice?
« Reply #16 on: January 28, 2007, 03:57:14 PM »
If you guys are serious about making the trip....look a few of us bay area riders up beforehand. Might be able to put together another meet & greet and get a good ride in while you are visiting!!!
« Last Edit: January 29, 2007, 04:50:13 PM by mrbreeze »
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Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Re: Seattle to San Francisco? Anybody have any advice?
« Reply #17 on: January 28, 2007, 11:52:06 PM »
If you guys are serious about making the trip....look a few of us bay area riders up beforehand. Might be able to put together another meet & greet and good a good ride in while you are visiting!!!

That would be great (as long as cold beer is involved). That is if you don't mind meeting me on my Fat Boy. Thats my road bike. More dependable and comfortable for a 4000 mile ride. My buddy rides a Honda VTX1800 so it wouldn't be all bad. We are serious. Our last ride was up into BC, Alberta, SK, and back down to Colorado. We (so far) do a nice ride every year. We'll have 2 weeks so we'll be able to take a leisurely pace and do a sight seeing trip down/up the coast highway. Just have a few (all) details to work out as soon as his time off request is approved.
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

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Re: Seattle to San Francisco? Anybody have any advice?
« Reply #18 on: January 29, 2007, 04:57:43 PM »
Hope you make it out rx. Of course there's cold beer involved!!!! I have ridin' buddies with H-Ds, a Beemer,etc. I know I'd sure be more comfy ridin' a fat boy than a 750 that long of distance but you get to the know which bike you would rather be ridin! :P
MEMBER # 257
Fool me once..shame on you. Fool me twice..I'm kickin' your a$$......

Offline Uncle Ernie

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Re: Seattle to San Francisco? Anybody have any advice?
« Reply #19 on: January 29, 2007, 06:05:43 PM »
It was either '72 or '73 I met a couple of guys from New York. One rode his new 750 and the other rode his new 500.  They were so dumb they had a good time. Folks just didn't know any better back then.
Oh- I met them at Lone Mountain College, which is now part of USF.
Dude- your 8 layers are showing!