Thanks guys, I'm a big fan of the Stephen King movie, "Christine", and as I was riding along yesterday enjoying life, I thought back to all of my injuries this year.
I crushed a finger, dropped a brake assembly on my foot smashing my big toe, broke the toe beside it running up the steps to intercept the guy delivering the battery for it, and of course, the clutch plate in the face a couple of weeks ago. I was just thinking how the old swamp rat had some "Christine" qualities of it's own, and even though I'm not big on giving bikes peoples names, I was just thinking that like that old red Plymouth Fury, the Swamp Rat might be renamed Christine.
I hadn't discussed any of this with the wife, but ironically, she mused that maybe the bike could rebuild itself, just like Christine? That was a jaw dropping moment for me.........
Anyway, new day, new idea. I'm thinking that the bottom end of the engine and gearbox should be fine, as the 3.5 litres of oil was sitting in the crankcases when this happened. I'll drop the oil, pump and filter, then pop the cam cover off and if theres no metal in the oil, inspect the cam and rockers (which I'm presuming are destroyed) and put my new borescope down the spark plug holes and have a look at each cylinder for damage. If the bores are good, I might replace the pump, cam, cam towers and rockers, and see if it'll run. If it sounds ok, job done and back for another ride, if not, plan B. Christine, dont fail me now......