Officially finished with trying to mod this bike into my full time tour and everyday bike, not because I've given up, but because I was able to score another more suited. Acquired an airhead for touring and commuting duties while this can just be what it is, it's still getting an 836 kit, electronic ignition, and new shocks, it just got the race tech internals that are not properly tuned yet.
The M unit is going to the BMW so I purchased a new K1 style harness for the 750 and installed it today.....I had a few shorts all over the harness and was experienced head light flickering, the light would come on with the key but the switch being in the off position, if I moved the main harness at the neck and tank the bike would die or the lights would go out...front and taillight...I was putting off fixing this until I was ready to install the m unit but ya.
New harness works great, unfortunately one of my motogadget pins is not bright anymore only throwing a very dim light and I think its because I was plugging and unplugging components while the key was on...I have a spare set but im bummed I #$%*ed one up....big loss just to swap in a new harness...#$%*ers are 90 bucks a pair.
Bike is due for tune up - Trying to complete these two middleweights and send them off before I dive back into the 750's and bmw.
Once the middleweights are gone all I'll have is the 74' and 71' 750's and 82' R80.....not bad at all and will probably be very content with those three for a long while.
installed electronic ignition from 550 onto this 750, adjusted valves and timed.
installed new tires - odo reads 7400 currently,since i spun it back to zero.
going to laurel highlands this weekend which is about a 5 hour ride, going with my buddy who is on a bmw 850 and another on a r100 airhead.
lubed cables, all valves accepted 004 and i set them all to 003
I think my rear sprocket will be due for change after this season.
If the 550 sells this weekend Ill have budget money for the k1.