I tested the horn, it didn't work.

I check the battery 12.3 volts, I check the horn it works.
I started checking continuity
-Ground from the post to spade terminal leading into 85, good.
-Positive post to spade terminal leading into 30 (fused), good.
-86 can't really test it (It goes to the button)
-87 spade terminal to horn, good.
-Positive post to horn, good.
I pulled the relay apart that was a drag

Not sure what to do with this.

Last, I wanted to pull the button out of the handlebars. I had to pull out a few terminals at the ground junction to get to it and the main crimp broke at the junction. I don't have anymore so I have to order them. The solder at the button looks okay I can't see it to well because of the heat shrink.
Just a recap. I have as follows:
85-to ground junction and a wire to the button
30-to fuse then to battery
86-to button
87-to horn
+ power to horn
What now?