Here are a couple of pics of the accelrator pump rod and it's tang. If I'm reading my manual correctly, that gap is supposed to be 0.4-.06mm. As you can see, it's WAY more than that. I'm beginning to suspect that someone replaced the diaphragm with the wrong part.
I have one on order and I'll see how it fits.
This is where the choke cable attaches. It looks like it's in a different position than what is shown on the .PDF rebuild file I posted earlier in the thread. See page 27 (I don't know how to save the pics from that type of file or I'd post one for comparison). Does this look correct for these carbs? It seems to work fine by hand.
I still need two pilot screws. Other than that, the carbs are clean and ready to go. Look closely in the first pic at carb #2 and you can see the acc. rod and tang, too.