Apparently I put this in the wrong place.
So, either this hasn't been brought up before, or I'm really bad at searching. I'm leaning towards the latter, as I can't find much information about them either.
Does anyone have experience with the carbs from the DOHC bikes? Or where I can find some info? The 1100f forums are broken.
I've got a set, and I understand the conceptual function and get that CV carbs supposedly have better metering, ergo better performance/mpg, but really, they operate in such a different way, is it worth it? In a hilly area/city?
I don't need or want to, I'm
only thinking about using them on my SOHC, and I don't even know if this is possible...
I'm lost in this thought. This question makes me feel dumb inside.
TL;DR: I can't find any useful information about Honda's 79-83 CV carburetors. Please direct me to information if you can.