OK, that's strong, most electronics should throw in much earlier
Both my units sits very dry, no chance that water can follow any lead into the unit.
I put it in my tool compartment on my K2. It need no tools
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php/topic,168243.msg2055376.html#msg2055376It is the power wire from front that has extra protection in black from the coils where it get 12V. One extra ear on the Dyna coil power connection.
My K6 has smaller battery lower 11Ah to get it on top of it under the rubber strap. It is a sealed battery and hopefullly no bad vapor. The ign module has some extra insulation strapped around it, vulc tape.
This has 12V just behind the corner since it has a relay under left cover for ignition.
My K2 has no relays at all (NOS ign switch). My K6 has 5 (cheap aftermarket switch)
Both has LED H4 to make life easier for the electrical connectors eating less amps.