Hi all. My name is Ray and I live in southern NY. Long story short my dad gave me his 1978 CB550K years ago when I told him I wanted to learn how to ride and it was my first bike. He was a mechanic most of his life and helped me rebuild the carbs (see pic below, no idea what I’m doing, just doing as he said). Then I bought my own bike (2003 VFR800), the CB sat for a bit, and started acting up again. Sadly my dad passed away before he could help be figure it out and it has sat since then, which was about 2015. Just a couple weeks ago I finally brought it over to my house and have it up on a lift. Last I tried to ride it, it would start and idle fine, but start bogging down after it warmed up, couldn’t go faster than 20-30mph even with the throttle pinned. I tried checking all the basics, fuel lines, fuel filter, spark plugs, points, etc. At minimum the carbs need to be rebuilt, and I think at least some portion of the motor needs to be rebuilt due to a fairly obvious oil leak. The master cylinder has a weird gunky substance surrounding it. So, I’m in for a project, and I’m no mechanic myself. I’m handy, I built custom guitars for a while and custom furniture for another few years, but don’t really know where to start with engines and carbs. Hoping between this forum and the YouTube’s, I’ll be able to figure it out! Here are some pics for reference. Thanks and I look forward to posting my progress here.
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