Author Topic: Crash = Custom Dragbar/Clubman  (Read 1297 times)

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Crash = Custom Dragbar/Clubman
« on: January 28, 2007, 01:00:57 PM »
Took the 500 out yesterday for its maiden voyage since rebuilding everything over the last year. It just happened that it was also the first warm day in a few weeks to ride. Well short story, 15 minutes into the ride while coming out of an "S" turn, the new rear tire slides me horizontal a few feet to get me into the gravel and road salt buildup and takes the bike out from under me. I than had a good slide for a few feet until "we" hit the mud shoulder that was about 18" below the road. This jack-knifed the bike and myself where I quickly became superman. When all was said and done, I stood back up brushed myself off and walked over to my bike to find it in almost as bad a condition as when I bought it a year ago. All lenses done, levers both shifter and handlebars done, front fender mangled, engine cases now sanded with 10 grit gravel, handlebars see pic (hopefully), helmet need a new one, throttle cables and clutch cable snapped. My soul absolutely broken. Luckily I was on a country road here in Virginia and had no real worries about other cars and such. I have never real felt like crying as much as when I stood over the bike broken and abused. I on the other hand am really sore, feel like I just went 10 rounds.

What I learned, regardless of what your experience with bikes is, always take it easy on new tires and wear the right gear. Its too bad I have to keep this from my wife or she would never let me get back on a bike again. I had to call my brother-in-law (a fellow biker) to come get me with the trailer. Luckily I keep the bike at his house and she doesn't bother with the "motorcycle crap" :)

Keep the rubber down


Offline DammitDan

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Re: Crash = Custom Dragbar/Clubman
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2007, 01:09:24 PM »
Just count yourself fortunate that you weren't hurt badly!

I'm sorry for the loss man...  On the first day, too!  After all that work, I can feel your pain brother.

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Re: Crash = Custom Dragbar/Clubman
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2007, 01:18:11 PM »
My brother, I've been there and have a couple of the free T-shirts.  New tires have schmutz on them that aid in releasing them from the mold.  It takes around 50 miles to wear it off.  Plus, even though it's warm enough to ride, the roads this time of year stay cold and your tires never really warm up good.

Hopefully you'll realize how lucky you are to walk away at all.
Dude- your 8 layers are showing!


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Re: Crash = Custom Dragbar/Clubman
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2007, 01:25:23 PM »
What Ernie said about the tires. I never knew it till I ran some new race tires on
the car. It takes a few runs to scuff it off. Glad your ok.

If you need a spare handle bar for a while I got a stock bar I'll loan you off the 750.

I'm in Virginia too and just a few weeks ago went out with the Spider on a warm day
and there was a bike that got in the road side marbles on our favorite mountain road to run.
The rider was ok, I stopped and ask them which surprised them that a car would stop.
Got to watch out for that salt and gravel round here! Inch of snow equals a 1" of gravel.


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Re: Crash = Custom Dragbar/Clubman
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2007, 01:39:07 PM »
First, Thanks. I do realize just how lucky I am. I wasn't going much more than about 30 so it did keep the damage down to a minimum.

The real pisser is that there was a thread a bit ago about new tires and breaking them in. I even made a mental note about doing that because it was roughly about when I mounted the new tires. Unfortunately my mental notes don't count for much.

Rocking-M, thanks for the offer, I still have my stock bars. It will be a little while before I get the bike back together. I spent a few hours yesterday disassembling things to start over. I suppose you could call me crazy, but I did start this project in Los Angeles in the parking lot of my apartment and than moved a 35 year old "Honda" across the country back to Virginia.

In the interim I may try to drop-in a 550 motor that I have and put the stock bars back on. I will also get out the scotch-brite pad and give the wheels a once over.

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Re: Crash = Custom Dragbar/Clubman
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2007, 01:42:46 PM »
Sorry to hear about the accident. Just keep the injuries hidden for a day or so and then tell the old lady that you got hurt at work.
That's what I do.
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Offline kuyarico

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Re: Crash = Custom Dragbar/Clubman
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2007, 03:28:46 PM »
Hey man, I'm glad to hear that you're ok. Thanks for posting your experience. I'm a somewhat new rider and will be changing tires on my 550 in the spring. Reading your story will definitely make me more cautious once I change the tires out.

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Re: Crash = Custom Dragbar/Clubman
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2007, 07:17:51 PM »
I'm just now getting back on my feet after getting off at 25mph.  Doesn't take that much.
Dude- your 8 layers are showing!


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Re: Crash = Custom Dragbar/Clubman
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2007, 06:19:12 AM »
Uncle Ernie, Glad to hear that you survived. It is a crazy addiction that we have with these machines. It doesn't take much at times to get you off of one.
I think I need to reevaluate my riding environment. I spent the last 4 years in an environment that was always warm and never really needed to warm the tires. Always a learning experience.
Rocking-M what part of Virginia are you in? I wanted to respond to your East Coast ride question, but it might be a little bit now.

Funny, when my brother-in-law picked me up he told me that the week prior he slid his '07 Road King on the marbles pulling into get gas. Busted a lens and scraped/bent his floorboards really bad. He said he told his wife that they needed to service the Harley after the first 500 miles. I think she is so accustomed to his bikes being in the shop she never thought twice.

Offline dusterdude

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Re: Crash = Custom Dragbar/Clubman
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2007, 09:15:41 AM »
glad you`re ok,what part of va are you in?
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Re: Crash = Custom Dragbar/Clubman
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2007, 09:34:52 AM »
I, like Kuyarico, am also a new rider. I'm rebuilding my 550k now and will most definately need new tires. I'm glad you posted as I wouldn't have known the unique danger that new tires pose. Glad you are alright.
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Offline heffay

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Re: Crash = Custom Dragbar/Clubman
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2007, 09:41:02 AM »
all of this nonsense about not knowing is really bothering me... did the tire salesman not tell each of you that the tires needed to be broken in and would be in this condition for the first 100-200 miles?

if not, go back to them and ask why... better yet, ask their manager why.
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Re: Crash = Custom Dragbar/Clubman
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2007, 11:51:42 AM »
Unfortunately, I do know the inherent dangers of newer tires. I think the difficult assessment is just how little it can take for them to slide on you. Couple that with the wonderful mix of gravel and road debris that has accumulated over the winter and it doesn't take much to go down. I have purchased a lot of tires in my life and come to think of it not a lot of places have every mentioned a "break-in" period. Granted, the guys doing most of the selling were probably not the most concerned salesmen.

Duster, I am up in Winchester.