Took the 500 out yesterday for its maiden voyage since rebuilding everything over the last year. It just happened that it was also the first warm day in a few weeks to ride. Well short story, 15 minutes into the ride while coming out of an "S" turn, the new rear tire slides me horizontal a few feet to get me into the gravel and road salt buildup and takes the bike out from under me. I than had a good slide for a few feet until "we" hit the mud shoulder that was about 18" below the road. This jack-knifed the bike and myself where I quickly became superman. When all was said and done, I stood back up brushed myself off and walked over to my bike to find it in almost as bad a condition as when I bought it a year ago. All lenses done, levers both shifter and handlebars done, front fender mangled, engine cases now sanded with 10 grit gravel, handlebars see pic (hopefully), helmet need a new one, throttle cables and clutch cable snapped. My soul absolutely broken. Luckily I was on a country road here in Virginia and had no real worries about other cars and such. I have never real felt like crying as much as when I stood over the bike broken and abused. I on the other hand am really sore, feel like I just went 10 rounds.
What I learned, regardless of what your experience with bikes is, always take it easy on new tires and wear the right gear. Its too bad I have to keep this from my wife or she would never let me get back on a bike again. I had to call my brother-in-law (a fellow biker) to come get me with the trailer. Luckily I keep the bike at his house and she doesn't bother with the "motorcycle crap"

Keep the rubber down