Have you read the spark plug deposits? If it's too rich it will have black soot on them. Of course, throttle position matters with mechanical slide carbs. That position determines what jet is dominating fuel supply.
"Stumble" is a bit ambiguous. Is it burbling? or does it just kinda shut off? What do you do to make it recover? How does it recover? Cleanly? Or burble back to smooth? This will tell you if it was too rich during "stumble" or too lean.
The bikes that don't have PD carbs or accelerator pumps. Need the idle mix to be over rich, as when the slides lift, vacuum is initially lost, stopping flow from fuel jets while there is plenty of air available. If adjusted too lean, application of 1/2 of throttle travel under load will make the bike fall flat, like it was shut off. It will recover cleanly when the throttle is reduced. From idle under load, don't expect the snap to WOT to do anything but make the bike fall flat. You don't need to snap the throttle full open to get full power from low speeds/RPM. This is an SOHC4 trait. It wasn't until the carbs with accel pumps (or CV carbs) were installed that snap throttle was allowed by rider.
If you manage to enrich the mixture for the early carbs that allow snap WOT, then expect the plugs to carbon foul during idle periods.
Open exhaust, compared to stock, will also require idle fuel enrichment, as will an air filter that offers little flow resistance. Honda tuned the carbs for these items on the bike. Bike modifiers have random success changing these things.