Look at the plugs again. If they are sooting up and fouling again, you may have carbs that are overfilling. In short, too much fuel to air mixture going to carbs, leaving conductive soot on the electrodes and draining off spark energy.
The carbs should only demand the fuel that is necessary to run. The petcock should never deliver more than the carbs/engine should take. In each carb, their is a fuel bowl and a float that opens a fuel inlet valve only when the carbs demand more. If the float is stuck, maladjusted, or the valve leaks, the carbs deliver raw gas to the motor beyond what the jets deliver. If there is rust in the tank, those bits can block the float valve open and cause it to leak/ overflow. Adding a filter after contamination, is too late. Also, there should be a filter already in your tank associated with the petcock, obviating a need for an added in line. Mechanics with too many thumbs can damage these without admitting their error.