I posted this in the high performance section but thought I’d get more exposure here.
So, a little background. I’m making the Dyna S work on my CB650 by a little machining. That’s done and the bike runs well, BUT not as much power as when I had the C5 ignition. I’m chalking that up to my advance ignition. The C5 advance is 40° and the stock 650 is 28.5° and the Dyna of course uses the stock advance mechanism.
Now, my Honda manual says advance ignition happens at 28.5° but when I test it on my degree wheel it actually shows 38.5°. That makes sense if they calculate advance ignition by adding the 10° idle ignition to the advance ignition number. Like, they mean 28° FROM idle ignition. H.lanooy shed light on that for me, thanks dude.
My question is, is there a standard how ignition advance is measured? If the C5 says 40°, is that a true 40° BTDC or is that 40° from idle timing which would mean it would show 50° BTDC on my degree wheel?
I plan on bringing the bike to my local dyno to see where the best advance timing is anyway, but I thought that more knowledge on the subject is better

Last question. Obviously if I just clock my plate then idle ignition will also be affected. Is there an easy way to keep idle around the same but only adjust advance if I’m using the stock advance mechanism? Like, bending or grinding down the ears which stop the weights?